




<exec executable="tortoiseproc.exe">
        <baseDirectory>C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin</baseDirectory>
        <buildArgs>/command:commit /path:\******\trunk\dotnet /notempfile /closeonend</buildArgs>

the code above pops up a window asking for "entering a message, selecting the changed content and then clicking OK and again clicking OK again after the process completes"

I would be extremely thankful if anyone can suggest how to avoid the above said process if commit is done using cruise control (config file).

thanks. pratap


From the documentation on tortoiseproc.exe here.

"You can also specify the /logmsg switch to pass a predefined log message to the commit dialog."

you may also want to append your /closeonend to be /closeonend:1 to prevent the extra confirmation click step. The switch values are also described on the documentation page.

I do not use crusecontrol but I do this sucesfully from a command file that I use to commit and publish my site.

I will add that the value of tortoise svn is that it prompts you to add a comment on the revision you are committing. Which would generally be good practice. And has has proved super handy for me a number of times.
+2  A: 

It's not CruiseControl that does the commit - it's just calling TortoiseSVN to trigger a GUI wrapper over a Subversion action. So to execute the commit as a silent activity (i.e. with no GUI) you simply need to replace the invocation of TortoiseSVN with a call to 'svn commit' and provide the appropriate parameters.

Svn help here.

+2  A: 

If you are automating SVN actions, you should be using a command-line client, not TortoiseSVN. Hit that link to download a client, and see the SVN documentation as well.

Michael Hackner