



Ok I can't seem to figure this out: given the following:

IP address =
Subnetmask =

Using c#, how do I calculate the CIDR notation ? Is there an easy way to achieve this? Am I missing something?


+5  A: 

256 - 240 = 16 = 2**4, 32 - 4 = 28

It is not really a C# question.

To get a net address from an IP and mask you can apply bytewise and to the IP and mask. You can get bytes from a string using IPAddress.Parse() and IPAddress.GetAddressBytes().

Thanks for the info. I know I can manipulate string to ip address and bytes with the IPAddress class. I also understand the logic behind the subnet/broadcast/cidr calculations etc... I'm just having trouble putting this into a simple c# method which gives me `26` when I input ``
C# has bit manipulation operators.
I know. That was not the question. Nevermind I figured it out.
+1  A: 

I don't have it as C# code but here is the answer in VB. Should not be to hard to convert.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    Dim someIP As Net.IPAddress = Net.IPAddress.Parse("")
    Dim someMASK As Net.IPAddress = Net.IPAddress.Parse("")

    Dim ipL As Long = IPtoLong(someIP)
    Dim maskL As Long = IPtoLong(someMASK)

    'Convert  Mask to CIDR(1-30)
    Dim oneBit As Long = &H80000000L
    Dim CIDR As Integer = 0

    For x As Integer = 31 To 0 Step -1
        If (maskL And oneBit) = oneBit Then CIDR += 1 Else Exit For
        oneBit = oneBit >> 1

    Dim answer As String = LongToIp(ipL And maskL) & " /" & CIDR.ToString

End Sub

Public Function IPtoLong(ByVal theIP As Net.IPAddress) As Long 'convert IP to number

    Dim IPb() As Byte = theIP.GetAddressBytes 'get the octets
    Dim addr As Long 'accumulator for address

    For x As Integer = 0 To 3
        addr = addr Or (CLng(IPb(x)) << (3 - x) * 8)
    Return addr

End Function

Public Function LongToIp(ByVal theIP As Long) As String 'convert number back to IP

    Dim IPb(3) As Byte '4 octets
    Dim addr As String = "" 'accumulator for address

    Dim mask8 As Long = MaskFromCidr(8) 'create eight bit mask

    For x = 0 To 3 'get the octets
        IPb(x) = CByte((theIP And mask8) >> ((3 - x) * 8))
        mask8 = mask8 >> 8
        addr &= IPb(x).ToString & "." 'add current octet to string
    Return addr.TrimEnd("."c)

End Function

Private Function MaskFromCidr(ByVal CIDR As Integer) As Long
    MaskFromCidr = CLng(2 ^ ((32 - CIDR)) - 1) Xor 4294967295L
End Function

I had to do the same thing, no new info but this snippet may come in handy for the next person looking for a way to do this in C#. note that this method only counts the number of consecutive 1s, and leaves you the work of appending it to the IP.

public class IPAddressHelper
    public static UInt32 SubnetToCIDR(string subnetStr)
        IPAddress subnetAddress = IPAddress.Parse(subnetStr);
        byte[] ipParts = subnetAddress.GetAddressBytes();
        UInt32 subnet = 16777216 * Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[0]) + 65536 * Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[1]) + 256 * Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[2]) + Convert.ToUInt32(ipParts[3]);
        UInt32 mask = 0x80000000;
        UInt32 subnetConsecutiveOnes = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            if (!(mask & subnet).Equals(mask)) break;

            mask = mask >> 1;
        return subnetConsecutiveOnes;
Yonatan Karni