This is so simple I'm embarrassed to ask, but how do you convert a c string to a d string in D2?
I've got two use cases.
string convert( const(char)* c_str );
string convert( const(char)* c_str, size_t length );
This is so simple I'm embarrassed to ask, but how do you convert a c string to a d string in D2?
I've got two use cases.
string convert( const(char)* c_str );
string convert( const(char)* c_str, size_t length );
Use std.string.toString(char*) (D1/Phobos) or!(string) (D2):
// D1
import std.string;
string s = toString(c_str);
// D2
import std.conv;
string s = to!(string)(c_str);
Slice the pointer:
string s = c_str[0..len];
(you can't use "length" because it has a special meaning with the slice syntax).
Both will return a slice over the C string (thus, a reference and not a copy). Use the .dup property to create a copy.
Note that D strings are considered to be in UTF-8 encoding. If your string is in another encoding, you'll need to convert it (e.g. using the functions from