is there a good database design tool can generate sql script to create database (tables) in major database (Oracle, MySQL, SQL server, Sybase) without any changes?
Which design tool are you think is good.
is there a good database design tool can generate sql script to create database (tables) in major database (Oracle, MySQL, SQL server, Sybase) without any changes?
Which design tool are you think is good.
I've used Datanamic's DeZign for Databases with success. It's a graphical interface that can generate the scripts for almost every major database.
I am using Enterprise Architect. I use it for all of my design UML based use cases, Architectural views, class/collaboration diagrams and database schema. Its great. One can generate script very easilly.
Maybe you could consider using the UML2DB SQL generation service:
Choose your UML tool (e.g. ArgoUML), draw a class diagram, (optional) configure some code-generation options in the web interface and it's done. Forget about using stereotypes or profiles. Let the service use common-sense to do the generation for you. All major database vendors supported.
I prefer Power Architect, for the same reasons I listed in this question:
...and a couple reasons of my own: