




I'm looking for Javascript code for letting the user draw a line (on an image).

Just as the line tool in Photoshop (for example):

The user clicks on the image, drags the mouse (while the line between the start point and the mouse point is dynamically drawn on mouse drag).

I would also need a callable function to send the page the start and end coordinates.

I've found this very nice script for area selection:

and I've found many script for drawing lines (and other shapes in JS), but could not find what I'm looking for.


+1  A: 

Consider using the canvas element to display the image. Then, drawing a line (or anything else) on it is trivial.

Eli Bendersky
Note that `canvas` is relatively modern so only recent browsers have it, and IE doesn't have it even now:
T.J. Crowder
+6  A: 

Since there is no standard method of drawing, if you want to support older browsers and IE, you will need to use a library. The library will handle the cross platform issues of drawing to the Canvas or Microsoft's VML

I recommend Raphael JS

The Who
+1 Another one to consider is Google Closure Library: (see the `` package).
T.J. Crowder
Well, I guess Raphael JS would be it.I took a look at its API and it looks great. Would need to implement the line dragging by my self, but I could handle that...Thank
+1  A: 

If your maths is good enough, it is possible (although mad) to do it without the canvas tag for most modern browsers using one of (as appropriate):

By creating eg. a 1px high div, with eg. a border-top for your 'line', and using the mouse drag event to position and rotate it.

Madness lies this way but it would be a quite fun exercise. (You should use something like Raphael JS, which is cross browser and sane - see above)

+1  A: 

raphael.js is a lightweight rendering tool for javascript (MIT licensed) which works in FF, Safari, Chrome and IE6+.

It uses SVG for the first 3 and VML for IE but the API is identical across browsers and very sweet.


// Creates canvas 320 × 200 at 10, 50
var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200);

// Creates circle at x = 50, y = 40, with radius 10
var circle =, 40, 10);
// Sets the fill attribute of the circle to red (#f00)
circle.attr("fill", "#f00");

// Sets the stroke attribute of the circle to white
circle.attr("stroke", "#fff"); 

I've used it to draw a line while dragging and can vouch for its ease of use


i'm working on something similar. Drawing a line on a canvas is pretty simple. You can take from my code here.

Just follow the mousedown listener.

Although I have found, when wanting to load images, that the raphael library might be better to use. I saw this because Canvas seems to act like a flat image. So if I want to add an aimge to it, then allow the user to manipulate that image, it won't let me (unless there is something that i am missing).

Raphael allows you to draw and still use those drawings, and images, as objects.
