Hi, I am just started working as a programmer last month, so there will be plenty of newbie question come from me, stay tuned... I am now working on modify the provided template (from DevExpress) to create new web form using ASP.NET 2.0 on Visual Studio 2008.
While the functionality of that web form is there, I am in the process of get rid of ninety something warning message, most of them come from the provided template.
One of them puzzled me for a while is this one: "Warning 75 Content is not allowed between the opening and closing tags for element 'ClientSideEvents'."
And here is the code:
<dxe:ASPxListBox id="edtMultiResource" runat="server" width="100%"
SelectionMode="CheckColumn" DataSource='<%# ResourceDataSource %>' Border-BorderWidth="0">
<ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="function(s, e) {
var resourceNames = new Array();
var items = s.GetSelectedItems();
var count = items.length;
if (count > 0) {
for(var i=0; i<count; i++)
_aspxArrayPush(resourceNames, items[i].text);
_aspxArrayPush(resourceNames, ddResource.cp_Caption_ResourceNone);
ddResource.SetValue(resourceNames.join(', '));
I couldn't see anything wrong with the code myself, so please help me out here.