



+1  Q: 

GUI for linux c

is it possible to develop a GUI in linux c?? how can be do that??

+4  A: 

If you want to develop GUI applications for Linux with pure C you can use GTK+. IF C++ is an option you also have Qt.

+1, how about motif? =)
Carl Norum
Motif is fine but I wouldn't call it a modern option. But yes it can do GUIs. You can also include wxWidgets.

Yes. Use a GUI toolkit such as GTK+ that uses C, or find a wrapper for one of the various C++ toolkits.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
+1  A: 

There are many graphical toolkits for linux such as GTK, Qt, wxWidgets, and FLTK. They have bindings for many languages such as C and Python. I suggest you google around to see what you like. If you want a RAD you may want to check out things like glade and qt creator.

From what I understand, there is no C binding for QT. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1728509/does-qt-have-a-c-interface
Matthew Flaschen

I would recommend FLTK. It may be difficult to write complex interface with it. But FLTK, as its name implies, is very small and fairly fast. What is more important, it is cross-platform, working nicely on the three major OS: linux, windows and mac. In my view, GTK/Qt/wxWidgets are far too heavy. If you statically link to these library, you will end up with a huge executable which eat up the memory; if you dynamically link to them, users have to install the library before hand, which is always troublesome.

EDIT: I just realize that this is a "C" question. Then the best choice should be GTK. If you need graphics but not interface/widgets (e.g. menu, scrollbar and so on), opengl is also nice.