



I have a set of jpeg images where each image has an associated description. e.g.

im1.jpg - suspect enters bank
im7.jpg - suspect hands teller a note
imj41.jpg - teller gives suspect a bag

It's trivial to view these images individually and see the description but how do I play this as a movie? I need to play the images and when I encounter one with a description, display the description in a status pane.

Do I need to convert the images into a movie, if so how? How do I get the player to notify me when the description frame is encountered?

I'm using Windows. language doesn't matter, I just need the concept right now.


In C# you could take a Windows Form with a PictureBox. Add a OpenFileDialog that allows to select multiple jpg files. Then you could implement a timer that loads the next image after a specified period of time. Before loading the file you could parse the file name. If you find one of your extensions, get the string and manually draw that string onto the PictureBoxby overwriting the OnPaint event.

Simon Linder
This is nice. I never realized that it could be done this simply. Thanks.