




I have a table with all U.S. zip codes. each row contains the city and state name for the zip code. I'm trying to get a list of cities that show up in multiple states. This wouldn't be a problem if there weren't X amount of zip codes in the same city...

So basically, I just want to the city in a state to count as 1 instead of it counting the city/state 7 times because there are 2+ zip codes in that city/state...

I'm not really sure how to do this. I know I need to use count but how do I tell the mysql to only count a given city/state combo as 1?


Try using a select distinct

SELECT DISTINCT city, state FROM table GROUP BY city
Bryan Denny

Will this do the trick

Select CityName, Count (Distinct State) as StateCount
From CityStateTable
Group by CityName
HAVING Count (Distinct State) > 1
Raj More

You probably should have created a separate table for zip codes then to avoid the duplication.

You want to look into the GROUP BY Aggregate.

Jack Marchetti
+2  A: 
SELECT City, Count(City) As theCount
FROM (Select City, State From tblCityStateZips Group By City, State) As C
HAVING COUNT Count(City) > 1

This would return all cities, with count, that were contained in more than one state.

Greenville 39
Greenwood 2
GreenBriar 3

Patrick Karcher
+1  A: 

First group on state and city, then group the result on city:

select City
from (
  select State, City
  from ZipCode
  group by State, City
) x
group by City
having count(*) > 1
This was almost it! Just needed to change the first line to: SELECT city, COUNT(city) as c
@mike: So you wanted how many states each city shows up in also? That wasn't in the question, so I didn't include it in the answer.