




I have a VBScript based ASP application that is being migrated from a Windows 2000 server to a Windows 2003 Server. DB2 Connect v8.2 is installed on the Win2K production box, and the application ADO connection string includes this property: "Provider=IBMDADB2".

The Win2K3 box has DB2 Connect v9.5, and using the same provider in the connection string (the other properties in the connection string are Data Source (we use a system DSN, created by the DB2 Configuration Assistant), and the mainframe User Id and Password for DB2) with the same application code, I get Error 3706, "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."

The DB2 connection tests correctly, on the Windows 2003 server, from both the DB2 Configuration Assistant and from the Data Sources (ODBC) administration tool. I can also retrieve DB2 data using the DB2 Command Editor.

I checked, and IBMDADB2.dll is present in the C:\IBM\SQLLIB\bin folder, and it has been properly registered. Does anyone know if there has been a change to the provider name I should be using in the ADO connection string?