




I'm start using cakephp and i made a demo app using AjaxHelper

$ajax->link('title', 'url', array('update' => 'mydiv'))

Now i want to migrate that to cakephp 1.3 and AjaxHelper is deprecated on cake 1.3 and will be removed, so i want to accomplish the same with JsHelper which is replacing the functionality of AjaxHelper and JavascriptHelper I just can't find how to do that.

I want to upgrade the versions to use jQuery out of the box with cakephp 1.3 and get rid of Prototype javascript library. so, any help ?

I've already read the migration guide and nothing found yet.

+1  A: 

Use $js->link('title', 'url', array('update'=>'mydiv')) Don't forget to $js->writeBuffer() in the view. Take a look at manual here.

thanks, that was what i tried before but wasn't working because of i had prototype still included, it seems one interfere with the other. Now fully working after remove prototype, AjaxHelper and JavascriptHelper