I've created a class that parses an XML document to create an Object. I can successfully create dynamic, anonymous functions that return objects like this:
myObject[functionName]=function():Object {
return {property1: value1,
property2: value2,
propertyN: valueN}
The above is "dynamic" I can add many name/value pairs to the return object. I need to be able to do a similar thing for other information in the XML document. I need to add additional statements to the anonymous function:
myObject[functionName]=function():void {
this.property1 = value1;
this.property2 = value2;
this.propertyN = valueN;
I had the idea that I could create an array of anonymous functions with all the predictable property/value assignments that I could predict, but that isn't very flexible or robust. Does anyone have any ideas on how to add statements to an anonymous function like the way I constructed the anonymous function that returns an object?