



I'm generating about 6 wav audio files at runtime. I want to store them in internal memory. Is a blob to sqlite the right/recommended way?


I am not sure of the recommended way but here is what I want to say, eitherways:

The advantages of storing these files in data base would be:
1.The related database is deleted once the application is uninstalled.
2.Files private to application

It will increase your application size.

Have you considered storing your files on SDcard? Also, have you taken a look at CacheManager?

I'm considering using SharedPreferences and coding myself all of the logic. The files will be saved to data/data/my_package_name/some_special_folder. Since I'm generating audio files, not downloading them, CacheManager doesn't seem to fit in here. But thanks for pointing to CacheManager anyway, I'll use it later.Saving to /sdcard is not an option in my case. The generated audio files must be deleted once the app is uninstalled and saving them to the internal memory seems a way of achieving that. I'm quite new to Android and many of my assumptions could be wrong of course.
Dimitry Hristov