Hi all,
So, we have a mirror of a santized version of the production database.
Is there anyway (that you know of) to find out how old the database is?
i.e. when the database was put on the Oracle server.
Thanks for any help!
Hi all,
So, we have a mirror of a santized version of the production database.
Is there anyway (that you know of) to find out how old the database is?
i.e. when the database was put on the Oracle server.
Thanks for any help!
You could query the time when the first object was created:
SELECT MIN(created) FROM dba_objects
select created from dba_users where username = 'SYS';
at my site there's a 16 seconds difference with SELECT MIN(created) FROM dba_objects; How is that possible, the objects in SYS are created 16 seconds before user SYS is created?
SQL>select created from dba_users where username = 'SYS';
SQL>SELECT MIN(created) FROM dba_objects;
10-SEP-08 11:24:44
10-SEP-08 11:24:28
UPDATE : BEWARE : My answer is not correct (in all circumstances). The right answer is given by Adam and Dougman. See stackoverflow.com/questions/2537342/… When you create a database with DBCA and use datafile templates the creation date of user SYS and SYS objects is the date the template files are created, not the date the database is created.