



Using PHP/PDO/MySQL is it possible to use a wildcard for the columns when a select is done on multiple tables and the returned array keys are fully qualified to avoid column name clash?


SELECT * from table1, table2;


Array keys are '', '', '' etc.

I tried "SELECT table1.*,table2.* ..." but the returned array keys were not fully qualified so columns with the same name clashed and were overwritten.

+1  A: 

you can do this:

SELECT Table1.*,,,... From...

where you get all columns from one table using "*" and then just the columns from the other table you need, so there is no clash.

You could also use column aliases, where you "rename" a column:

SELECT Table1.A AS T1_A,Table2.A AS T2_A,... From...

your result set would be of columns T1_A and T2_A

Firstly you are specifying the column names - we don't know the columns and what if xyz or abc are also in Table1?. Secondly, as I said, I've tried the wildcard.
If we don't know the columns in the tables then its just a tad more difficult to rename them.
how can you not know the columns? is this generated with dynamic SQL? if so, dynamically build the select list.
The tables involved are dynamic. I'm trying to avoid writing code that handles each 'type' of table.
@zaf if you don't know the column names, how do you know which ones you need/ which ones are being overwritten?
@Tom And thats the puzzle. If the column name included the table name we would be ok.

Unfortunately, PHP (particularly the MySQL, PgSQL, MSSQL extensions) will always have your columns overwrite in the case of overlap.

I would recommend creating a View in your database, and Alias your columns so that they are "fully-qualified".

For example: (MySQL)

CREATE VIEW viewTable1Table2 AS
        t1.field1 AS Table1Field1
        t2.field1 AS Table2Field1
    FROM Table1 t1
        INNER JOIN Table2 t2
            ON =;

The syntax may not be perfect, but you can get a general idea of what I am talking about.

Dominic Barnes
Didn't know about that but still the same problem.
+1  A: 

Unfortunately, no; there is no SQL syntax for ensuring that column names are unique.

If you truly don't know the names of the columns and must use SELECT *, your only real option would be to revert to some very ugly looking dynamic SQL that could inspect the structure of the tables and generate a query that would select them all explicitly with a table-name prefix.

I don't know which RDBMS you're using, but something like this should work on SQL Server:

declare @columns table (idx int identity(1,1), tablename varchar(100), columnname varchar(100))

insert into @columns (tablename, columnname) 
select tablename, columnname


where tablename in ('table_1', 'table_2')

declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

declare @i int
declare @cnt in

declare @col varchar(100)
declare @table varchar(100)

select @i = 0, @cnt = max(idx), @sql = '' from @columns

while @i < @cnt
    select @i = @i + 1

    select @col = columnname, @table = tablename from @columns where idx = @i

    if len(@sql) > 0
        select @sql = @sql + ', '

    select @sql = @sql + '[' + @table + '].[' + @col + '] as [' + @table + '_' + @col + ']'

select @sql = 'select ' + @sql + ' from table_1, table_2'

exec sp_executesql @sql
Adam Robinson
By the time I write that I could have written the sql queries by hand. Hang on... I could have done that instead of being here. Joking. I don't know which language/db/library but I do remember having to work with fully qualified column names and hating to type the full column name. Now I have the reverse problem.
@zaf: I've essentially written it for you...
Adam Robinson
Nice try but using MySQL.
@zaf: Then adapt it. What you're looking for isn't strictly possible. I've provided you with something that will at least *accomplish* what you're looking for, even if it's less than ideal.
Adam Robinson
+2  A: 

Yes, you can.

$qualifiedColumnNames = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $stmt->columnCount(); $i++) {
    $columnMeta = $stmt->getColumnMeta($i);
    $qualifiedColumnNames[] = "$columnMeta[table].$columnMeta[name]";

print_r(array_combine($qualifiedColumnNames, $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)));

mysql and mysqli extensions also have these capabilities.

Dude, that worked. Thanks.