You just need to add a sort in front of each of your greps:
my @sorted =
sort( grep /\.txt\z/, @files ),
sort( grep ! /\.txt\z/, @files )
The trick here is that you are partitioning the list then sorting each partition independently. Depending on what you are doing, this might be a lot better than trying to do everything in one sort operation. Conversely, it might not always be better.
There are various other ways to get this done, but they aren't this simple. :)
Here's a quick benchmark on my MacBook Air with vanilla Perl 5.10.1:
There are 600 files to sort
brian: 3 wallclock secs @ 369.75/s (n=1161)
control: 3 wallclock secs @ 1811.99/s (n=5744)
leon: 4 wallclock secs @ 146.98/s (n=463)
mobrule: 3 wallclock secs @ 101.57/s (n=324)
sort: 4 wallclock secs @ 559.62/s (n=1746)
Here's the script:
use Benchmark;
use vars qw(@files);
@files = qw(
) x 100;
printf "There are %d files to sort\n", scalar @files;
sub leon {
my @sorted =
map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, !/\.txt$/ ]
} @files;
sub brian {
my @sorted =
sort( grep /\.txt\z/, @files ),
sort( grep ! /\.txt\z/, @files )
sub mobrule {
my @sorted =
sort { ($b=~/\.txt\z/) <=> ($a=~/\.txt\z/) || $a cmp $b }
sub plain_sort {
my @sorted = sort @files;
sub control {
my @sorted = @files;
timethese( -3,
brian => \&brian,
leon => \&leon,
mobrule => \&mobrule,
control => \&control,
sort => \&plain_sort,