I'm trying to apply validation to a form using following code :
errorClass: "invalid",
validClass: "success",
rules: {
referenceTypeComplementBancaire: "required",
banque: {
required: function(nomBanque){
return $('input[name=referenceTypeComplementBancaire]').val() != "CB";
minlength: 2
numeroComplementBancaire: {
required: function(numeroCompl){
return $('input[name=referenceTypeComplementBancaire]:checked').val() != "CB";
number: true,
minlength: 5
montantComplementBancaire: {
required: function(montantCompl){
return $('input[name=referenceTypeComplementBancaire]').val() != "CB";
min: panierTotal
messages: {
referenceTypeComplementBancaire: "",
As you can see, most inputs are made required if and only if $('input[name=referenceTypeComplementBancaire]').val() != "CB"
In some cases, this form will have two radio buttons, but right now, it only has one... That's pretty straightforward, but IE doesnt seem to understand a thing (or maybe it's me).
My form, once server rendered, looks like this:
<form name="paiementForm" method="post" action="/actions/commande/enregistrerPaiement?time=" id="paiement"><div><input type="hidden" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN" value="ee247d689484921c6937972ed50c8165"></div>
<div class="optionsPaiement">
<input type="radio" name="referenceTypeComplementBancaire" value="CH2" checked="checked"> <strong>Par Chèque</strong>
<img class="visuelCB" src="/images/logo_CH2.gif" alt="Paiement Carte Bancaire"/>
<div id="infosComplementBancaire">
<input type="text" name="banque" value="">
<span>Numéro de chèque<br/>
<input type="text" name="numeroComplementBancaire" value="">
<span>Montant du chèque<br/>
<input type="text" name="montantComplementBancaire" value="507.0">
<input class="bouton" id="terminerPaiement" type="image" src="/images/boutons/valider.gif" alt="Valider" value="submit" ></input>
What could i be missing that makes validation work under FF and not in IE 7/6 ?