I know WPF is more complex an flexible so could be thought to do more calculations. But since the rendering is done on the GPU, wouldn't it be faster than Winforms for the same application (functionally and visually)?
I mean when you are not running any games or heavy 3d rendering, the GPU isn't doing heavy work, right? Whereas the CPU is always busy.
Is this a valid assumption or is the GPU utilization of WPF a very minor operation in its pipeline?
EDIT: The application that I am interested is a 3d modeling and animation software, where you have 3d viewports to navigate and edit the scene, and objects inside the scene. But I want to use WPF because of its modern architecture, and it's from scratch.
EDIT2: Also for my purposes I will use DirectX hands down for the app itself because of the high end requirements of the software. As for people using lower end or computers without a dedicated GPU, that's OK since they aren't not in my primary customer area. Just like other high end 3d software for film and games, it will be understandable to require a powerful computer to fully benefit from the application.