



When we build web software releases, we prepare the release in a temporary directory and then replace the release directory with the temporary one just prepared:

# Move and replace existing release directory.
mv /path/to/httpdocs /path/to/httpdocs.before
mv /path/to/$newReleaseName /path/to/httpdocs

Under this scheme, it happens that with about 1 in every 15 releases, a user was using a file in the original release directory exactly at the time the commands above are run, and a fatal error occurs for that user.

I am wondering if using symlinking like follows would be significantly faster, in terms of processing time, thereby helping to lessen the likelihood of this problem:

# Remove and replace existing release symlink.
ln -sf /path/to/$newReleaseName path/to/httpdocs
+1  A: 

Seems to me that since mv in Linux is just a change to the inode information, and ln is copying an inode record, they should both be of quick enough duration that you could not tell the difference with a stopwatch.

But I wonder if they would actually solve your problem. I am guessing that you are saying that users were using the destination files -- so wouldn't it just fail either way?

If ln is "noticeably" faster, then I would think the problem would present itself less.
Chad Johnson
+4  A: 

The main advantage of using the symlink is that you can do it atomically. Forcing a new symlink is not atomic, but you can create a new symlink and then rename the it to the existing one. The rename is an atomic operation, so you should have no race condition there.

ln -s /path/to/newrelease /path/to/httpdocs.tmp && mv -Tf /path/to/httpdocs.tmp /path/to/httpdocs
Lukáš Lalinský
+1  A: 

It'll definitely be faster if you're moving across partitions. In the same partition I'd guess that it's still going to be smoother to use a link.

My advice is to time it - something like this:

for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
   time mv /path/to/httpdocs /path/to/httpdocs.before
   time mv /path/to/$newReleaseName /path/to/httpdocs

for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
   time ln -sf /path/to/$newReleaseName path/to/httpdocs

Better to gather real metrics than guess.

Peter Stone
My tests show that mv takes 0.019s at most, while ln takes 0.006s at most, locally.
Chad Johnson

Be aware that symlinks can be a bit slower:

It may solve one problem and create another.
