The idea is that you provide a mask in set, effectively a list of signals. The how argument says what you should do with the mask in set.
You can either use SIG_BLOCK to block the signals in the set list, or SIG_UNBLOCK to unblock them. Neither of these changes the signals that aren't set in the list. SIG_SETMASK blocks the signals in the list, and unblocks the ones that aren't set in the list.
For instance, assume that the old blocking list was {SIGSEGV, SIGSUSP} and you call sigprocmask with these arguments:
sigset_t x;
sigemptyset (&x);
sigaddset(&x, SIGUSR1);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &x, NULL)
The new blocking list will now be {SIGSEGV, SIGSUSP, SIGUSR1}.
If you call sigprocmask with these arguments now:
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &x, NULL)
The new blocking list will go back to being {SIGSEGV, SIGSUSP}.
If you call sigprocmask with these arguments now:
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &x, NULL)
The new blocking list will now be set to {SIGUSR1}.
the oldset argument tells you what the previous blocking list was. If we have this declaration:
sigset_t y;
and we call the code in the previous examples like this:
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &x, &y)
now we have:
If we now do:
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &x, &y)
we'll get
and if we do:
sigprocmask(SIG_SET, &x, &y)
we'll get this:
because this is the previous value of the blocking set.