



So this is more of a generalized question about MySQLs data types. I'd like to store a 5-digit US zip code (zip_code) properly in this example.

A county has 10 different cities and 5 different zip codes.

city   | zip code
city 0 | 33333
city 1 | 11111
city 2 | 22222
city 3 | 33333
city 4 | 44444
city 5 | 55555
city 6 | 33333
city 7 | 33333
city 8 | 44444
city 9 | 22222

I would typically structure a table like this as varchar(50), int(5) and not think twice about it.

(1) If we wanted to ensure that this table had only one of 5 different zip codes we should use the enum data type, right?

Now think of a similar scenario on a much larger scale. In a state, there are five-hundred cities with 418 different zip codes.

(2) Should I store 418 zip codes as an enum data type OR as an int and create another table to reference?


Zipcodes should be integers... MEDIUMINT is what you're looking for. Few thousands different values is not good idea for ENUM - besides IIRC ENUM is limited to 64 different values.

You could create another table called city to store cities. The structure would be very simple: just standard ID + column for city name - VARCHAR(50) should be enought. Of course you would have to add city_id to zipcodes table (with Foreign Key attached).


if smallint unsigned (0 to 65535) is too small change to mediumint.

create table city(
 city_id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
 name varchar(255) not null

create table city_zip(
 city_id smallint unsigned not null,
 zip_code smallint unsigned not null,
 primary key (city_id, zip_code)