Aspell.Net looks nice, but does not seem to be maintained anymore. I could not get it to work on my machine.
After searching around SourceForge, I found NHunspell, which is a .Net port of the spell checker from It provides methods to spell check, find synonyms, and hyphenate. Its actively maintained at this time, and comes with easy to understand sample code.
In the project's own words:
Spell Checker, Hypenation and
Thesaurus: NHunspell
NHunspell is a free open source spell
checker for the .NET Framework. C# and
Visual Basic sample code is available
for spell checking, hyphenation and
synonym lookup via thesaurus.
NHunspell is based on Hunspell and
brings the Open Office spell checking,
hyphenation and thesaurus to the
Microsoft® .NET Framework. NHunspell
is a .NET (C#, VB) library and wraps
the native libraries Hunspell, Hyphen
and MyThes.
The integrated libraries are used in
OpenOffice and work with the
dictionaries published on License
NHunspell is licensed under:
GPL/LGPL/MPL. Free use in commercial
applications is permitted according to
the LGPL and MPL licenses. Your
commercial application can link
against the NHunspell DLLs.