



Say I have a LINESTRING defined as

LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656, -122.310 47.690, -122.310 47.670, -122.300 47.630)

And I want to get a substring from

POINT(-122.360 47.656) to POINT(-122.310 47.690)

How can I return a substring of a LINESTRING in SQL Server 2008 Spatial?


How about

DECLARE @g geometry;
SET @g = geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656, -122.310 47.690, -122.310 47.670, -122.300 47.630)', 0);
SELECT @g.STPointN(1).ToString();
SELECT @g.STPointN(3).ToString();

DECLARE @h geometry;
SET @h = geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(-122.360 47.656)', 0);
SELECT @h.STTouches(@g);

Have a look at

STPointN (geometry Data Type)


STStartPoint (geometry Data Type)

Maybe also try

STTouches (geometry Data Type)

The thing is, I won't know the indices of the point on the line, I will be given the point itself
I'm using a geography Data Type, so STTouches is not available :)
+1  A: 

Well, I managed to do it in a CLR user defined function.

It is not quite a "substring" method per se, but I needed to subdivide a LINESTRING into multiple LINESTRINGs each of either X units in length or as short as the subpoints forming the LINESTRING segment were (it is not very clear, I know!)

Below is a snippet of what I did, I hope it could be of use to somebody else:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;
using System.Collections;

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
    /// <summary>
    /// Take a LINESTRING and return a sub LINESTRING from it given the
    /// starting point and the distance to move
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputLine"></param>
    /// <param name="divideEveryDistance"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    #region DivideLineString
    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "FillDivideLineStringRow", TableDefinition = "segment geography")]
    public static IEnumerable DivideLineString(Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography inputLine, double divideEveryDistance)
        // ArrayList to hold the resulting rows
        ArrayList resultCollection = new ArrayList();

        // Check that the input geography is a LINESTRING
        if (!inputLine.InstanceOf("LINESTRING"))
            throw new ArgumentException("This operation may only be executed on LineString instances.");

        // If the input distance is less than or equal zero
        // just return the original linestring
        if (divideEveryDistance <= 0)
            return resultCollection;

        // Builder to hold the aggregated LINESTRING
        SqlGeographyBuilder subLinestringBuilder;

        // Initialize the starting point to the start point of the input LINESTRING
        SqlGeography startPoint = inputLine.STStartPoint();
        SqlGeography currentPoint = null;

        // Initialize the starting index to the first point on the input LINESTRING
        int currentPointIndex = 1;

        // Loop on all the points on the input LINESTRING
        while (currentPointIndex < inputLine.STNumPoints())
            // Initialize the builder
            subLinestringBuilder = new SqlGeographyBuilder();

            // Start with the starting point of the line
            subLinestringBuilder.BeginFigure((double)startPoint.Lat, (double)startPoint.Long);

            // Distance traversed accumulator
            double currentDistance = 0;

            // While we didn't cover the required divide distance and we're still within the boundaries of the input LINESTRING
            while (currentDistance < divideEveryDistance && currentPointIndex < inputLine.STNumPoints())
                // Calculate the distance between the startPoint and the nth point
                currentPoint = inputLine.STPointN(currentPointIndex);
                currentDistance = (double)startPoint.STDistance(currentPoint);

                // Add the currentPoint to the subLineString
                subLinestringBuilder.AddLine((double)currentPoint.Lat, (double)currentPoint.Long);

                // Visit the next point

            // We covered the required divide distance,
            // Move on to the next segment of the line
            if (currentPoint != null)
                // Set the startpoint of the next segment to be the last point we visited
                startPoint = SqlGeography.Point((double)currentPoint.Lat, (double)currentPoint.Long, 4326);

            // If we reached the end of the LINESTRING, create a segment between the last point
            // we visited and the end point of the LINESTRING
            if (currentPointIndex >= inputLine.STNumPoints())
                // Add the endpoint of the original linestring
                subLinestringBuilder.AddLine((double)inputLine.STEndPoint().Lat, (double)inputLine.STEndPoint().Long);

            // End the current line segment

            // Add the row to the result collection

        // We're done, return the table
        return resultCollection;

    /// <summary>
    /// Method required to fill the table-valued function
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obj"></param>
    /// <param name="geography"></param>
    #region FillDivideLineStringRow
    private static void FillDivideLineStringRow(Object obj, out SqlGeography geography)
        geography = (SqlGeography)obj;
humm, it would be nice to have the built in function in SQL... (We can still do it if we import an assembly)
The function is already available, as the code is compiled into an assembly and is imported.