




I want to define a set of classes that collect and persist data. I want to call them either on-demand basis, or in a chain-of-responsibility fashion, as the caller pleases.

To support the chaining, I have declared my interface like so:

interface IDataManager<T, K>
    T GetData(K args);
    void WriteData(Stream stream);
    void WriteData(T data, Stream stream);

    IDataCollectionPolicy Policy;

    IDataManager<T, K> NextDataManager;

But the T's and K's for each concrete types will be different. If I give it like this:

IDataManager<T, K> NextDataManager;

I assume that the calling code will only be able to chain types that have the same T's and K's. Is there a way I can have it chain any type of IDataManager?

One thing that occurs to me is to have IDataManager inherit from a non-generic IDataManager like so:

interface IDataManager { }

interface IDataManager<T, K>: IDataManager
    T GetData(K args);
    void WriteData(Stream stream);
    void WriteData(T data, Stream stream);

    IDataCollectionPolicy Policy;

    IDataManager NextDataManager;

Is this going to work?

+2  A: 

Yes, your proposed solution is correct. The general practice is (as you describe) to create a non-generic base class/interface, then a generic class/interface that implements/inherits from it.

Adam Robinson
Thank you, Adam.
Water Cooler v2
+4  A: 

Splitting an interface into a generic and a non-generic part is a common pattern, especially if you move non-generic methods to the non-generic interface:

interface IDataManager
    void WriteData(Stream stream);
    IDataCollectionPolicy Policy { get; set; }
    IDataManager NextDataManager { get; set; }

interface IDataManager<T, K> : IDataManager
    T GetData(K args);
    void WriteData(T data, Stream stream);
That's what I wondered. Thank you.With that, then, am I going to be able to say:SomeClassThatImplementsIDataManager<string, int> obj = new ...AnotherSuchClass<string, ArrayList> nextOne = new ...obj.Next = nextOne;
Water Cooler v2