



I'm looking for a simple CMS for a site I'm building for my girlfriend.
The requirements are very minimal

  • Show images one by one, possibly with a line of text for each
  • Show an aggregate gallery of say 4x4 images.
  • Possibly have several different such galleries
  • Customizable look so i could fit it to her mockup

Any suggestions come to mind?
Can wordpress do this?


For something this simple, with only a handful of pages, it almost seems like overkill to use a CMS at all. Surely the added complexity of a huge application like WordPress isn't called for here.

Thom Smith
+1  A: 

You may think that it is simple - an dit is now. But can you predict the future?

If your gf is an artist, might she not want to sell? Then she'll need watermarking (now) and a shopping cart (when she decides to sell).

Does she want to speak about her art? She'll need a blog.

Does she want others to speak about her art, or art in general? Then a forum n (blog & forum will also attract viewers).

Etc, etc.

Why not consult the oracle at ? It's the best place to go to look for a CMS system.

Pick something simple & easy to set up & use, but be aware of possible future expansion features.


Yes, you can use WordPress with some gallery plugins, for example: NexGEN or kPicasa Gallery. Last is used for show pictures from your Picasa account.

Other option: ZENPhoto. Actually you can combine both WordPress and ZENPhoto in one site.
