



Can anyone suggest easy ways to document how web pages in a relatively complicated web application link to each other?

Should I document them in Visio possibly? That seems the easiest.

I need to check each of the different buttons and functions on each page, and some of these depend on how the user accesses each page, so I need to document each path through the application.

+1  A: 

I would say that Visio would be a good option here, as you are most likely going to have multiple diagrams, to show different scenarios. Visio is one of the better/easier tools to use for that type of diagramming.

Mitchel Sellers

I'd say go for it with Visio. Maybe you can break down the complexity by having seperate pages for each use case.

Working in the hell of either incomplete, wrong, or nonexistent documentation, I can only applaud your intention ;-)


From the description of the purpose for the documentation ("I need to check each of the different buttons and functions on each page, and some of these depend on how the user accesses each page") I wonder if it would be a better idea to write the "documentation" in the form of a series of automated tests that would verify that the links exist.

Something like Selenium would be one way you could do this.

You'll save yourself a bunch of time in the long run if you were planning to do these sorts of test manually - and have the advantage of and automated suite that's much less likely to get out of sync with the actual app (unlike "paper" documentation like Visio diagrams, etc.)
