How to search for files containing a particular text string using MSBuild?
You can find a "grep" task in the MSBuild Contrib project on CodePlex. Haven't used it myself though.
It's not clear whether you want to search of the text in the name or in the file itself.
If you simply want a list of files that their name match particular (simple) criteria I would suggest using the ItemGroup
like this:
The Grep
taks from the MSBuild Contrib project would look like this
<UsingTask TaskName="MSBuildContrib.Tasks.Grep" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildContribCommonTasksAssembly)" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildContribCommonTasksAssembly)')" />
<FilesToSearch Include="**\*.cs" />
<!-- very simple search -->
<Grep InputFiles="@(FilesToSearch )" OutputFile="out.xml" Pattern="Error" />
<!-- slightly more complicated search (search and extract info) -->
<Grep InputFiles="@(FilesToSearch )"
Pattern="// (?'Type'TODO|UNDONE|HACK): (\[(?'Author'\w*),(?'Date'.*)\])? (?'Text'[^\n\r]*)" />
The Grep task will generate the out.xml file that can subsequently be used to read information from it and use in the build process.
Thanks guys! I appreciate all of your quick replies! I've try Grep but I need to read the xml file to see the result.
I've just found out that we can use the task FilterByContent in MSBuild Extension Pack which gives us a direct result in properties & items. I'd like to share it back to you in case you may need it. An example of usage is as below:
<Target Name="ttt">
<files Include="d:\temp\test\**" />
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.File TaskAction="FilterByContent" RegexPattern="abbcc" Files="@(files)" >
<Output TaskParameter="IncludedFileCount" PropertyName="out"/>
<Message Text="ttt:$(out)" />