Is there any good link for lambda expression (C#) for learn?
If so kindly suggest me one.
In google in searched but may be my luck failed to get any suitable one.
Is there any good link for lambda expression (C#) for learn?
If so kindly suggest me one.
In google in searched but may be my luck failed to get any suitable one.
expressions are a general term, and are available in many programming languages, where their semantics are sometimes different.
To put it simply, a lambda expression is usually a function without a name, in languages that allow functions as first-class objects (i.e. pass them around and return them from functions).
Python example:
map(lambda x: x * 2, mylist)
Returns a list with elements that are 2x the elements in mylist
There's also Lambda Calculus, which is more mathematical.
(**) To Python purists: I know list comprehensions are better in this case, I was just trying to show the use of lambda
Linq is always associated with Lambda Expressions. In .NET 2.0 we have the concept of Anonymous Methods that allows you to write function body inline without the need of writing a delegate function. Lambda Expression of .NET 3.5 is to consize the concept of Annonymous function writing.
Check this out.
Lambdas in C# are a two-faced beast. They can operate very much like anonymous methods, or (depending on the method signature) the C# compiler can compile them into Expression
trees. The two MSDN links (previous) should help; otherwise books like C# in Depth might light a few bulbs for you. Or I cover expression-trees quite a lot on my blog (or here).
If you are talking about their use in LINQ-to-SQL, Entity Framework, etc - then it is the expression-tree facet that matters; which has a few more limitations than the anonymous-method facet (for example, you can't have a "statement body" in a .NET 3.5 expression-tree - .NET 4.0 trees support this, but the C# 4.0 compiler still doesn't).