I currently work with both Visual Studio, Eclipse/Rad, and Vim heavily. Visual Studio and Eclipse don't present any problems because they're the same paradigm. However vim (which I use for my *nix work) muddles the issue because it's modal. I actually like the modal nature of vim and find myself trying to type esc
in Visual Studio. Does anyone have a suggestion about how to make working in the different environments easier?
2Try use this script: www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=864
The visual studio script in vim allow you use external command line to work with visual studio. The plugin is write in vim-script and python, which means you need to install python so that you can run the script.
The script doesn't need you to have a python-embed version of vim (it can auto detect that), but it is highly recommend you to use a python-embed version for performance.
Before I using this plugin I have same problem with you, at that time I use external tool in Visual Studio which you can find here: vim.wikia.com/wiki/Calling_gvim_from_MS_Visual_Studio
Also I recommend you to check exVim project, which already integrate the Visual Studio plugin in it, and provide an python-embed version