We (occasionally!) have to issue hot fixes for our product and do this by reissuing the affected files directly rather than with a new installer. The product has a large number of pieces, some managed code, some unmanaged.
Currently development flags which build artifacts (exes, dlls) need to be shipped in a hot fix. We'd like to be able to identify these automatically by comparing them to the previous build. A simple binary diff doesn't work since the version numbers on all the files have changed as stamping the files with a new number if part of the build.
Are there any tools that will do a more intelligent comparison and decide which files should be included? We'd still have a developer check the list, this is more to catch files the developer didn't think of than the other way around.
(Note: changing the hot fix/build process is not an immediate option, whether or not we should be shipping individual files is a different discussion!)