It appears that the DTEXEC has a specific list of exit codes and cannot be set programatically from within a package. This information is from
Exit codes returned from dtexec
When a package runs, dtexec can return
an exit code. The exit code is used to
populate the ERRORLEVEL variable, the
value of which can then be tested in
conditional statements or branching
logic within a batch file. The
following table lists the values that
the dtexec utility can set when
Value Description
0 The package executed successfully.
1 The package failed.
3 The package was canceled by the user.
4 The utility was unable to locate the requested package. The package could not be found.
5 The utility was unable to load the requested package. The package could not be loaded.
6 The utility encountered an internal error of syntactic or semantic errors in the command line.
I would recommend using one of the many types of SSIS error logging on your package and then using another process to examine the logs in case of failure to determine where in the package your failure was.