Don't know about plugins but this shouldn't be too hard:
;(function($) {
$.fn.counter = function(options) {
// Set default values
var defaults = {
start: 0,
end: 10,
time: 10,
step: 1000,
callback: function() { }
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
// The actual function that does the counting
var counterFunc = function(el, increment, end, step) {
var value = parseInt(el.html(), 10) + increment;
if(value >= end) {
} else {
setTimeout(counterFunc, step, el, increment, end, step);
// Set initial value
// Calculate the increment on each step
var increment = (options.end - options.start) / ((1000 / options.step) * options.time);
// Call the counter function in a closure to avoid conflicts
(function(e, i, o, s) {
setTimeout(counterFunc, s, e, i, o, s);
})($(this), increment, options.end, options.step);
start: 1000,
end: 4500,
time: 8,
step: 500,
callback: function() {
alert("I'm done!");
I guess the usage is self-explanatory; in this example, the counter will start from 1000 and count up to 4500 in 8 seconds in 500ms intervals, and will call the callback function when the counting is done.