I have been using JvCSVDataSet with Delphi 5 and it works fine. I just moved over to Delphi 2007 and now with the same program I get EFCreateError, cannot create file "" I got the error description from MadExcept 3.0.
Here are the code,I get the error in the line 'CADDCOUNT', but if I rem out that line then I don't get the error before I close the dataset.
jvCsvDataSet1.FileName := 'C:\TEST.CSV';
jvCsvDataSet1.Active := True;
jvCsvDataSet1.FieldByName('LINETYPE').Asstring := 'VERSION';
jvCsvDataSet1.FieldByName('CADDCOUNT').AsString := 'Company Name and address';
jvCsvDataSet1.Active := False;
Thanks, for any help. Kim