



Hello, I'm trying to do the below sql statement in GORM

select * from table1 where table1.x not in
      (select x from table 2 where y='something');

so, I have two tables, and needs to find the entries from table 1 which are not in table 2. In Grails

def xx= table2.findByY('something')
    def c = table1.createCriteria()
    def result= c.list {
      not (
        in('x', xx)

the syntax is wrong, and I'm not sure how to simulate not in sql logic.

As a learning point, if someone can also tell me why minus (-) operator in grails/groovy doesn't work with list. I tried getting x and y seperately, and doing x.minus(y), but it doesn't change the list. I saw an explanation at , but I would expect the list defined are local.

thank you so much.

+2  A: 

Hmm, I'm just learning GORM myself, but one thing I see is that in is a reserved word in groovy and so needs to be escaped as 'in'

Stephen Swensen
You are right that in is a keyword, but I couldn't escape as mentioned. I used (import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions), and the syntax was ok. still i couldn't get the logic work. I think there is an 'add' keyword to join in and not, but couldn't get it to work. hope someone would point me to the right direction. thanks for ur help

Ok.. got to work.. anyone interested..

Stephen was right, you have to escape in with 'in', as it is a reserved word. the syntax is.

def c = table1.createCriteria()
    def result= c.list {
      not {
        'in'("x", xx)
//xx could be a list, array etc. eg: [1,2,3]

Even the above solution doesn't seem to work. It complaints of "No signature of method: static org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions.not() is applicable for argument types: Closure, possible solution : not(org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion).

Any idea?

hey.. it worked for me.. for similar examples, check