



I'd like to set up a drag'n'drop list inside a modal window. The window's content is loaded via an AJAX call, so I believe I need to use jQuery's .live() method.

Here is my current code:

$('#cboxLoadedContent').live('load', function() {
    // Event for sortable page lists

How can I set up bindings when the modal window loads? The modal window comes from the colorbox plugin.

Note: I'm guessing that 'load' is not the right event to use, because if I throw a simple alert() in there, it doesn't even show up when the window loads.


It depend in which modal window are you using.

If you are using the jquey UI dialog, you can use the opendialog event.

So you can bind a function to that event that is triggered when the dialog open.

$( ".selector" ).bind( "dialogopen", function(event, ui) {

If you are not using the jqueryUI you have to go to the code and look if some event is triggered when the popup opens.

This doesn't work, unfortunately. I had to add the binding to the `onComplete` attribute of my Colorbox.
+1  A: 

In your case, just call .sortable() on the elements when you're loading them via ajax, like this:

   url: 'page.html',
   success: function(data) {
     //Put stuff in DOM

For the why part: .live() doesn't work this way, it doesn't wait for new elements and do listens for events from elements that bubble up the DOM then executes event handlers if it has a selector that matches.

Nick Craver
Ah, I had to add the .sortable() binding to the `onComplete:` attribute of the Colorbox. Thank you for the explanation of why `.live()` did not do the job as well. That clears up a lot!