



I'm currently using TinyMCE edit in my drupal-website, problem is that beneath the editor, some of the table is sticking out. If I remove the height set by javascript with firebug, it looks fine, even after resizing.

So I want to remove the height with JS, I've put this function at the end of my page:


However nothing happens. I test the function in firebug's console, it works perfectly.

Basically, the problem is the JS works, but it wont do anything if I simply load it at the end of the page, even in the document.ready function. The TineMCE script is loaded before my script so I should be able to select/edit/delete elements generated by it no?

Does anybody know why or how I can force the page to really load my function in the end(currently it is right in front of the -tag)? Other functions in the script work, except this thing ...