




I came across many questions on deep copy but non of them helped me I have a class say

class A
    public List<B> ListB;

where B is again another class which inturn may inherit/contain some other classes Take this scenario

  1. A is a very huge class and contain many reference types
  2. I can not mark B as serializable as i don't have access to source code of B(Though I can Mark A as serializable)

Problem:below methods to perform deep copy does not work because

  1. I can not use Iclonable, memberwise clone technique as class A conatins many reference types
  2. I can not write a copy constructor for A , as the class is huge and keeps growing and contained classes (Like B) can't be deep copied
  3. I can't use serialization technique as i can not mark conatined class(like B, for which no source code avilaable) as serializable

So how can I deep copy the object of Class A?
(I read about "surrogate serialization" technique some where but not clear)


Can't XML serialization help you?

Sounds like his design is so screwed up it would choke. One simple Dictionary<k,v> in the object tree and xml serialization (well, the XmlSerializer) would choke.
+2  A: 

Can't you do this?

class A
    public List<B> ListB;

And then refer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/129389/how-do-you-do-a-deep-copy-an-object-in-net-c-specifically for a cloning function

@m_oLogin: The OP wants it without marking it `Serializable`.
From what I understand, the author states that he cannot mark the inner class as [Serializable] because he doesn't have access to the source code... He can still mark the inner "ListB" member as [NonSerialized] and then use serialization for deep copying.
+3  A: 

I stopped using serialization for deep copying anyway, because there is not enough control (not every class needs to be copied the same way). Then I started to implement my own deep copy interfaces and copy every property in the way it should be copied.

Typical ways to copy a referenced type:

  • use copy constructor
  • use factory method (eg. immutable types)
  • use your own "Clone"
  • copy only reference (eg. other Root-Type)
  • create new instance and copy properties (eg. types not written by yourself lacking a copy constructor)


class A
  // copy constructor
  public A(A copy) {}

// a referenced class implementing 
class B : IDeepCopy
  object Copy() { return new B(); }

class C : IDeepCopy
  A A;
  B B;
  object Copy()
    C copy = new C();

    // copy property by property in a appropriate way
    copy.A = new A(this.A);
    copy.B = this.B.Copy();

You may think that this a huge amount of work. But at the end, it is easy and straight forward, can be tuned where needed and does exactly what you need.

Stefan Steinegger
+1  A: 

your interface IDeepCopy is exactly what ICloneable specifies.

class B : ICloneable
     public object Clone() { return new B(); }

and with more friendly implementation :

class B : ICloneable
     public B Clone() { return new B(); }
     // explicit implementation of ICloneable
     object ICloneable.Clone() { return this.Clone(); }