+1  A: 

I really think you should try a nice database before you make your decision. Something like this will be a challenge to maintain in the long run. Your user-base is actually quite small. SQL Server should be able to handle what you need without any problems.

I'm creating a simple DB now to fill with values to test
Mikael Svenson
I've done my SQL test, any pointers on where I could improve?
Mikael Svenson
Are you using Sql Server 2008 Express? That would definitely explain the decrease in performance with added threads. (Express, though fully capable, is hobbled to be much less perfomant since it is the free version. It also has an upper bound on the db size, 4gb i believe.)
Paul Sasik
I'm using SQL 2008 dev edition. I need my management studio :)
Mikael Svenson

2000 users isn't too bad but with 10 mil related items you really should consider putting this into a database. DBs do all the storage, persistence, indexing, caching etc. that you need and they perform very well.

They also allow for better scalability into the future. If you suddenly need to deal with two million users and billions of settings having a good db in place will make scaling a non-issue.

Paul Sasik
Updated the question with some SQL numbers
Mikael Svenson

After much testing I ended up using Memory Mapped Files, marking them with the sparse bit (NTFS), using code from NTFS Sparse Files with C#.

Wikipedia has an explanation of what a sparse file is.

The benefits of using a sparse file is that I don't have to care about what range my id's are in. If I only write id's between 2006000000 and 2010999999, the file will only allocate 625,000 bytes from offset 250,750,000 in the file. All space up to that offset is unallocated in the file system. Each id is stored as a set bit in the file. Sort of treated as an bit array. And if the id sequence suddenly changes, then it will allocate in another part of the file.

In order to retrieve which id's are set, I can perform a OS call to get the allocated parts of the sparse file, and then I check each bit in those sequences. Also checking if a particular id is set is very fast. If it falls outside the allocated blocks, then it's not there, if it falls within, it's merely one byte read and a bit mask check to see if the correct bit is set.

So for the particular scenario where you have many id's which you want to check on with as much speed as possible, this is the most optimal way I've found so far.

And the good part is that the memory mapped files can be shared with Java as well (which turned out to be something needed). Java also has support for memory mapped files on Windows, and implementing the read/write logic is fairly trivial.

Mikael Svenson