



Hi all,

I have my users DOB as a string (don't ask), how can I reliably check to see if they are over 18? Would I use DateDiff? How would I convert the string to a date first? The date is in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Many thanks Jonathan


Yep, you'll need CDate to convert your string and then DateDiff("yyyy",date1,date2) since you only really need the year.

I need to be accurate with the dob birth as I can't allow under 18s access, our users are all 17 or 18 so I'll need to be sure they are over 18. Thanks
I just noticed the other pain here, which is that CDate() might need some help with the locale-specific DD/MM/YYYY. For that, you could parse the constituent parts out and feed them back to CDate(mm.dd.yyyy)
That's exactly what I thought of first. Actually... I was wrong on the "yyyy" part. I thought it compared years... but rather, it specifies what is returned... I've deleted the comment for clarity.

Something like:

stringDate = "02/12/1990"
if IsDate(stringDate) then
    document.write(DateDiff(yyyy, CDate(stringDate), Date()))
end if
Dustin Laine

VBScript's CDate function uses the current locale to convert the date. You may run into problems.

An alternative would be to do it the long way and parse the date out:

d = "02/05/1984"

sYear = cint(right(d,4))
sMonth = cint(mid(4,2))
sDay = cint(left(d,2))

ds = DateSerial(sYear, sMonth, sDay)

Now you can do your DateDiff:

if ( DateDiff( "yyyy", d, ds ) > 18 ) ...