I'm generating WSDL of my web service dynamically, but when I set the XmlSchemaType of my elements, the ServiceDescriptor writes the element as an element rather than message, as I need.
The code looks like this:
XmlSchemaElement schemaElement = new XmlSchemaElement();
XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType();
XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence();
foreach (XmlSchemaComplexElementParameter param in element.Parameters)
XmlSchemaElement paramElement = new XmlSchemaElement();
paramElement.Name = param.ParameterName;
paramElement.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(param.ParameterType, "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
paramElement.MaxOccurs = param.MaxOccurs;
paramElement.MinOccurs = param.MinOccurs;
complexType.Particle = sequence;
schemaElement.Name = element.MessageName;
schemaElement.SchemaType = complexType;
Any ideas about this?