I've tried Key.Subtract
but I think that is the numpad version. I'm looking for the one after the zero key.
I wish to handle it in a KeyDown
I've tried Key.Subtract
but I think that is the numpad version. I'm looking for the one after the zero key.
I wish to handle it in a KeyDown
A quick debug shows the that it comes through as Key.Unknown
as do other keys such as [
and ]
So it looks like you can't (easily) distinguish when this key is pressed.
The MSDN page for System.Windows.Input.Key
enumeration lists all the values, which is significantly shorter than the .NET framework version.
However, if you look at e.PlatformKeyCode
this might give you the value you need. However, the help for this states:
This value is the nonportable key code, which is operating system–specific.
The remarks are more extensive:
The portable key codes are a common subset of all the possible key codes of the supported operating systems, in this case, Macintosh and Windows. For example, the keystroke 'v' is represented as a Key value (which would evaluate as 51 if you cast it to an integer, but is more useful if you retain the enumeration information). That key would have a PlatformKeyCode value of 86. Certain keystrokes, however, are not portable, such as the SCROLL LOCK key for Microsoft Windows. In this case, the Key value is Unknown, which is the value for any nonportable key, and the PlatformKeyCode is 145 on a Windows platform. For information about Microsoft Windows-specific key codes, see "Virtual-Key Codes" in the MSDN Library. For information on Macintosh-specific key codes, see Keyboard Layout Services Reference on the Apple Developer Connection Web site.
On my setup (Chrome in Windows XP) "-" is 189