




I'm trying to create a RSS 2.0 feed in ASP.NET C# with products to provide to Froogle.

The RSS feed should look like:

I'm using the SyndicationFeed and SyndicationsItems to create the feed. But I'm having trouble adding the extra elements like g:image_link.

I try the extra elements like;

syndicationItem.ElementExtensions.Add(new XElement("image_link", product.ImageLink).CreateReader());

This works, but how can I add the namespace


to the first RSS tag and use this for the extension elements?

Thank you


XElements have great namespace support. Create your first element like this:

XNamespace aw = "";
XElement root = new XElement(aw + "image_link", product.ImageLink);

This will give you XML like this:

<image_link xmlns=""&gt;

Each subsequent element should also use the same namespace. If you want to use namespace prefixes for your elements, it's a similar approach. You can check out some full examples on MSDN here:

How to: Create a Document with Namespaces

Google needs (most of) the elements to have the g: prefix, unfortunately. It wants g:image_link, g:price, etc.
Anthony Pegram
Yeah that's fine. Take a look at the link, it shows how you can add a prefix to an element. You just create it as new XElement(name, prefix, content), where prefix is an XElementAttribute.
Yes, I implemented it by including it in an attribute in the "rss" line. `new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "g", xnamespace)`. Subsequent XElements then just needed to be named as the namespace + the actual element name. (See my answer.)
Anthony Pegram
+1  A: 

I just wrote something like this last week, as a matter of fact. I didn't have much time, so it's not optimized or pretty.

I used an XDocument, though.

static XDocument GetXDocument(List<GoogleProduct> googleProducts)
    XNamespace gns = "";

    XDocument document = new XDocument(
        new XElement("rss",
            new XAttribute("version", "2.0"),
            new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "g", gns),
            new XElement("channel",
                new XElement("title", "X Company Feed"),
                new XElement("description", "X Description"),
                new XElement("link", ""),
                from googleProduct in googleProducts
                select new XElement("item",
                    new XElement("title", googleProduct.Title),
                    new XElement(gns + "brand", googleProduct.ProductRecommendedAttributes.Brand),
                    new XElement(gns + "manufacturer", googleProduct.ProductRecommendedAttributes.Manufacturer),
                    new XElement(gns + "condition", googleProduct.Condition),
                    new XElement("description", googleProduct.Description),
                    new XElement(gns + "id", googleProduct.ID),
                    from img in googleProduct.ProductRecommendedAttributes.ImageLinks
                    select new XElement(gns + "image_link", img),
                    new XElement("link", googleProduct.Link),
                    new XElement(gns + "price", googleProduct.Price.ToString("0.00")),
                    new XElement(gns + "product_type", googleProduct.ProductRecommendedAttributes.ProductType),
                    from pmt in googleProduct.ProductOptionalAttributes.PaymentAccepteds
                    select new XElement(gns + "payment_accepted", pmt)))));

    return document;

(FYI: GoogleProduct is just a temporary mapper class I used)

It will generate a document along these lines

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g=""&gt;
    <title>Blah Data Feed</title>
    <description>Stuff from Blah</description>
      <description>blah blah</description>
      <g:product_type>Blah Blah</g:product_type>
      <description>blah blah</description>
      <g:product_type>blah blah</g:product_type>
Anthony Pegram
Thanks for the info. I was hoping it was possible using the SyndicationItem etc, but I'll try your approach.
By all means, explore! Like I said, I was under time pressure and I'm most comfortable with Linq-to-XML, so it was a natural path for me.
Anthony Pegram
I have been exploring all day to find it, but it seems impossible to add a namespace to the RSS tag using the SyndicateFeed :(