I want to be able to show the elapsed time in a textview or Chronometer held in a "Statistics" class since pressing a button located in another class. What would be the easiest way to implement this?.
I want to be able to show the elapsed time in a textview or Chronometer held in a "Statistics" class since pressing a button located in another class. What would be the easiest way to implement this?.
What about setting a variable = System.currentTimeMillis()
when you inflate the view?
And at onDestroy substract that time from the current time ?
Set up a tenth-second repeating timer and do the view update in a runnable handler.
protected Timer timeTicker= new Timer("Ticker");
private Handler timerHandler = new Handler();
protected int timeTickDown = 10;
// onCreate() code
timeTicker.scheduleAtFixedRate(tick, 0, 100); // 100 ms each
// timer handlers
protected TimerTask tick = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
// Override this in Subclass to get or add specific tick behaviors
protected void myTickTask() {
if (timeTickDown == 0) {
private Runnable doUpdateTimeout = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void updateTimeout() {
timeTickDown = 10; // 10* 100ms == once a second
// do something useful like sequencing a state machine
// and gui babble.