



Hi, I am currently planning to develop a music streaming application. And i am wondering what would be better as a primary key in my tables on the server. An ID int or a Unique String.

Methods 1:

Songs Table: SongID(int), Title(string), Artist*(string), Length(int), Album*(string)

Genre Table Genre(string), Name(string)

SongGenre: SongID*(int), Genre*(string)

Method 2

Songs Table: SongID(int), Title(string), ArtistID*(int), Length(int), AlbumID*(int)

Genre Table GenreID(int), Name(string)

SongGenre: SongID*(int), GenreID*(int)

Key: Bold = Primary Key, Field* = Foreign Key

I'm currently designing using method 2 as I believe it will speed up lookup performance and use less space as an int takes a lot less space then a string.

Is there any reason this isn't a good idea? Is there anything I should be aware of?

+6  A: 

You are doing the right thing - identity field should be numeric and not string based, both for space saving and for performance reasons (matching keys on strings is slower than matching on integers).

+1 absolutely. An ID should (almost always) be an INT - anything else doesn't make a lot of sense (except for a few select cases)
I'll add that you should put a unique index on the genre name as well to prevent having three genres named 'Blues'. Always put a unique index on the natural key if one exists.
-1: These are the wrong reasons to be making design decisions. Make the design decisions based on whether or not it is the right _design_. Then, if there are performance problems, tune and redesign as necessary.
Also, most primary keys in SQL Server are clustered by default, so the records will stay in the same physical order as they were created. If you create a string clustered PK, then when you update the value, sql server physically re-orders the records, and can cause table fragmentation.

MSSQL can generate these id's for you when using an int (see IDENTITY keyword)

James Westgate
+2  A: 

My recommendation is: use ids.

You'll be able to rename that "Genre" with 20000 songs without breaking anything.

The idea behind this is that the id identifies the row in the table. Whatever the row has is something that doesn't matters in this problem.

In case of renaming a Genre: You don't rename the key, you rename the name. That wouldn't break anything either. ;-)
It will be the rocknroll key with name "Disco Dance". It isn't wrong though.
+2  A: 

This is in large part a matter of personal preference.

My personal opinion and practice is to always use integer keys and to always use surrogate rather than natural keys (so never use anything like social security number or the genre name directly).

There are cases where an auto number field is not appropriate or does not scale. In these cases it can make sense to use a GUID, which can be a string in databases that do not have a native datatype for it.
