Hello there,
i have written a simple cgi python script which looks like this
#!c:/Python25/python.exe -u
import cgi
import os
def main():
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
print form["firstname"].value
os.execvp("D:\\path\\to\\my\\consolapp.exe", [""])
As you can se i'd like to start a consoleapp which i have written in .net.
But my consoleapp crashs when i call the cgi script. So i did a little debuging and write a text file after some actions i do in my .net program.
The result was that my programm crash everytime i'd like to open a access mdb file. It told me that i need the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). But i cant belive this message because my .net consoleapp runs without errors if i start it from my own.
So can anybody give me some advise how i can call my .net consol ab through a webscript.
I'm happy for every advise So it don't have to be a solution using a cgi script.
Regards, Nico