All i have something i have been trying to do for a while and have yet to find a good strategy to do it, i am not sure C# can even support what i am trying to do.
Example imagine a template like this, repeated in manager code overarching cocept function Returns a result consisting of a success flag and error list.
public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
List<Error> errorList = new List<Error>();
Boolean result = null;
result = locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key);
}catch(UpdateException ue){
//Error happened less pass this back to the user!
errorList = ue.ErrorList;
return new Result<Boolean>(result, errorList);
Looking to turn it into a template like the below where Do Something is some call (preferably not static) that returns a Boolean. I know i could do this in a stack sense, but i am really looking for a way to do it via object reference.
public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
var magic = locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key);
return ProtectedDAOCall(magic);
public Result<Boolean> CreateLocation(LocationKey key)
var magic = locationDAO.CreateLocation(key);
return ProtectedDAOCall(magic);
public Result<Boolean> ProtectedDAOCall(Func<..., bool> doSomething)
List<Error> errorList = new List<Error>();
Boolean result = null;
result = doSomething();
}catch(UpdateException ue){
//Error happened less pass this back to the user!
errorList = ue.ErrorList;
return new Result<Boolean>(result, errorList);
If there is any more information you may need let me know.
I am interested to see what someone else can come up with.
Marc solution applied to the code above
public Result<Boolean> CreateLocation(LocationKey key)
LocationDAO locationDAO = new LocationDAO();
return WrapMethod(() => locationDAO.CreateLocation(key));
public Result<Boolean> RemoveLocation(LocationKey key)
LocationDAO locationDAO = new LocationDAO();
return WrapMethod(() => locationDAO.RemoveLocation(key));
static Result<T> WrapMethod<T>(Func<Result<T>> func)
return func();
catch (UpdateException ue)
return new Result<T>(default(T), ue.Errors);