



The simplified version of the problem I am seeing in IE7 can be demonstrated using FireBug Lite.

On a page loaded with jQuery, I open FireBug Lite (via bookmarket) and I enter the following:

image = $('<img src="" border="12" 
                    width="95" height="95" title="Booya">')[0];

and the result echoed is:

<img title="Booya" contentEditable="inherit" start="fileopen" 
                    loop="1" src="" border="12">

Where are the width and height attributes? Furthermore,




return 0 and "0".

Seen this with both jQuery 1.2.6 as well as 1.4.2. It does the right thing in IE8 and FF.

Any ideas where those attributes went? Very annoying....


You'll get better results using jQuery to create the image attributes directly:

var $image = jQuery('<img />', 
           title: "Booya",
           src:   "",
           css: {
                  border: "12px",
                  width : "95px",
                  height: "95px"

You'll run into issues obtaining correct width/height with webkit browsers when it's set explicitly vs. it's actual width/height. You might want to take a peek at this:

Dan Heberden
well yeah but -- this simplified problem represents a issue I am seeing in a generalized HTML analyzer I've built. I am not specifically needing to make IMAGES by themselves. Instead I am using jQuery to wrap an arbitrary HTML string and then traversing the result set to figure the structure out..
Scott Evernden