



Ok I feel like such an idiot..but I cannot figure out how to create a release version of my C# application. I am using a National Instruments Visual studio plugin and only can run the output .exe on the machine that has the plugin.

Surely there can't be an added runtime to install for visual studio addons? The error I get is

Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly NationalInstruments.UI.Styles3D Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.

Please contact your system administrator

I have the feeling it is some small step I am overlooking..but I can't find it.

+1  A: 

Your program clearly references a runtime component NationalInstruments.UI.Styles3D which will have to be installed on all machines that your program will be run on. If unsure what it is used for, try removing the reference from your project and try to compile, then the errors will show you where it is used.

Anders Abel
But what I don't understand is when I talked to National Instruments, they specifically said that I would not need to install anything other than .net framework to run the app