



What I've got working and it's what I need to improve on:

INSERT form_data (id,data_id, email) 
SELECT '',fk_form_joiner_id AS data_id
     , value             AS email 
  FROM wp_contactform_submit_data 
 WHERE form_key='your-email'

This just gets the emails, now this is great, but not enough as I have a good few different values of form_key that I need to import into different columns, I'm aware that I can do it via php using foreach loops and updates, but this needs to be done purely in mysql.

So how do I do something like: insert form_data(id,data,email,name,surname,etc) Select [..],Select [..]....

The data is stored in the most ridiculous way possible, in one table, IN ONE CELL, with a different cell telling what the actual data is: (screenshot)

Please help


In your question it isn't obvious where the other data you want is stored but perhaps you are looking for something,like this:

INSERT form_data (id,data_id, email,city) 
SELECT A.fk_form_joiner_id AS data_id
     , A.value             AS email 
     ,B.value               AS city
  FROM wp_contactform_submit_data A,
       wp_contactform_submit_data B
  WHERE A.form_key='your-email' AND 
        B.form_key='your-city' and

One could extend this logic to handle a smallish number of multiple fields quite easily - if one or more data value sometimes missing you would have to do a outer join between A and B in order to get all records.

Obviously you have to make a new join for each column but this is required in some form to complete your task anyway.

A index on wp_contactform_submit_data(fk_form_joiner_id,form_key) will make this query fairly efficient as well.

Elemental here's a screenshot, it's all in one table, in one cell, with a different cell telling me what the bit of data is.It's stupid, but this is what I have to work with, I need this to be put into a different table, with a cell assigned to the appropriate data type, hence the WHERE clause being used to single out the email and to import it into a cell, I need to do the same thing for each of the values.
Thanks for the data screen shot - that is how I understood it. It seems to me my idea above to multiply join the table to the query will work (although it gets complicated).
added some more detail to make my meaning clearer

That is not a problem, you just neet to join to wp_contactform_submit_data several times (one for each value):

INSERT INTO form_data (data_id, email, name)
SELECT fk_form_joiner_id as data_id, email, name
FROM (SELECT fk_form_joiner_id, value as email
      FROM wp_contactform_submit_data
      WHERE form_key='your-email'
      ) as emails
JOIN (SELECT fk_form_joiner_id, value as name
      FROM wp_contactform_submit_data
      WHERE form_key='your-name') as names
  USING (fk_form_joiner_id)