This question isn't meant as flame-bait! As it might be apparent, I've been looking at Scalaz recently. I'm trying to understand why I need some of the functionality that the library provides. Here's something:
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
type NEL[A] = NonEmptyList[A]
val NEL = NonEmptyList
I put some println statements in my functions to see what was going on (aside: what would I have done if I was trying to avoid side effects like that?). My functions are:
val f: NEL[Int] => String = (l: NEL[Int]) => {println("f: " + l); l.toString |+| "X" }
val g: NEL[String] => BigInt = (l: NEL[String]) => {println("g: " + l); BigInt( }
Then I combine them via a cokleisli and pass in a NEL[Int]
val k = cokleisli(f) =>= cokleisli(g)
println("RES: " + k( NEL(1, 2, 3) ))
What does this print?
f: NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3)
f: NonEmptyList(2, 3)
f: NonEmptyList(3)
g: NonEmptyList(NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3)X, NonEmptyList(2, 3)X, NonEmptyList(3)X)
RES: 57
The RES value is the character count of the (String) elements in the final NEL. Two things occur to me:
- How could I have known that my NEL was going to be reduced in this manner from the method signatures involved? (I wasn't expecting the result at all)
- What is the point of this? Can a reasonably simple and easy-to-follow use case be distilled for me?
This question is a thinly-veiled plea for some lovely person like retronym to explain how this powerful library actually works.